My final practicum experience as the HESA (Higher Education & Student Affairs) Marketing and Communications Graduate Intern involved the complete re-design of the HESA program's website. Given the COVID-19 pandemic and shifts to being more remote/online, we needed to make sure the HESA program had a rich digital presence in time for the upcoming recruitment cycle. The website was one of our main points of contact for prospective students, so my goal was to complete a major update of the entire site. It was a lengthy process that required me to develop a strategic plan and timeline, delegate tasks to our marketing team members, and learn Drupal and web accessibility practices (all in the span of 4 months!).
In order to update the entire website, we audited each page individually to correct errors, update old information, and identify areas for improvement. We made sure to focus on reducing any areas with too much text and offering more dynamic content like embedded widgets or videos. We centered our renovation around the mission statement and values of the HESA program, which helped us choose what to highlight and how to organize the website. I encourage you to view the new website below!
I'm also proud to have co-presented with our team at the ACPA 2021 Annual Conference virtually on the work we accomplished, especially the website and new digital recruitment materials for the program.